Free Tutorials

You don't need to pay to learn from a digital marketing virtuoso. Here are some of my tutorials.

The Four Concepts Of Psychology In Marketing: Needs, Wants, Demands And Desires
  • Chris Haycock
The Four Concepts Of Psychology In Marketing: Needs, Wants, Demands And Desires

What makes people tick? More importantly, what makes people reach for their wallet? Let's find out how the four concepts of marketing psychology can help you win more customers and grow your business.

How to prepare and run successful live seminars & events
  • Chris Haycock
How to prepare and run successful live seminars & events

Are you a small business owner looking to make your mark in the world? Do you want to learn how to run live seminars and events that will leave an impact on your audience? Allow me to help you out!

This is my Playbook for Calling Prospects
  • Bruce King
This is my Playbook for Calling Prospects

It's one of the sales strategies I follow when making outbound sales calls.

Don't ignore the fact you're human too
  • Bruce King
Don't ignore the fact you're human too

Salespeople are people too

Excuses are not an option
  • Bruce King
Excuses are not an option

Most successful salespeople got that way by not making excuses.

Is cold Facetime creepy?
  • Bruce King
Is cold Facetime creepy?

A lot of sales reps are using Facetime and cold facetiming rather than just cold calling. And they're using it very successfully too.

People buy who they are
  • Bruce King
People buy who they are

There are Swatch people. And there are Rolex people. Who do you want to sell to?

STOP PRESS: 11 people died during a conference  presentation
  • Bruce King
STOP PRESS: 11 people died during a conference presentation

No they weren't shot - they were bored to death by bullet points!

What does 'NO' really mean?
  • Bruce King
What does 'NO' really mean?

When someone has said 'NO' to your sales proposal, I doubt that they've ever said "No, I don't want it now or ever in the future, and don't even think about contacting me again!"

The power of silence when handling objections, concerns and stalls
  • Bruce King
The power of silence when handling objections, concerns and stalls

Objections, concerns and stalls are to be expected when you are selling, and there's a big difference between all three. But how do you know which one of the three is correct?

ChatGPT, and its role in small business marketing
  • Chris Haycock
ChatGPT, and its role in small business marketing

Getting serious FOMO because you're in the dark about ChatGPT? It's turning the world of AI on its head, so let's look at ChatGPT, and what it means for your business.

Who has the power in negotiating?
  • Bruce King
Who has the power in negotiating?

This may surprise you!

Do you give a guarantee? Do you promote it?
  • Bruce King
Do you give a guarantee? Do you promote it?

So many businesses lose out on this no-cost marketing strategy.

Is today the perfect time to change the course of your life?
  • Bruce King
Is today the perfect time to change the course of your life?

Today is the first day of the rest of your life; so what better time could there possibly be to make some significant changes in your life journey than right now

Do you settle for 'normal'?
  • Bruce King
Do you settle for 'normal'?

The following astounded and horrified me – how about you?

Charles Darwin and you
  • Bruce King
Charles Darwin and you

Are you achieving your sales target / quota? If not - read on. No - read on anyway!

Is your business card losing you sales?
  • Bruce King
Is your business card losing you sales?

Yes they can - here's how!

Become a spy
  • Bruce King
Become a spy

We all have competition in our businesses, and most of us have at least one company that represents outstanding competition and which we admire, respect and are maybe even jealous of their success. So spy on them.

There's one thing worse than poor customer service, and that's dreadful customer service
  • Bruce King
There's one thing worse than poor customer service, and that's dreadful customer service

And dreadful customer service is so common nowadays. And it's often delivered by large organisations who are run by 'so called' very clever business people who should know better.

Why are many of Bruce Kings Tutorials so short?
  • Bruce King
Why are many of Bruce Kings Tutorials so short?

From the horse's mouth so to speak, Bruce explains:

No replies to your Voice-Mail messages?
  • Bruce King
No replies to your Voice-Mail messages?

Everyone needs a bit of a laugh nowadays, so if your prospects are not returning your voicemail messages, try a bit of humour.

How to boost your immune system
  • Bruce King
How to boost your immune system

You can also use this practice to help achieve many more of your goals.

Who's in your corner?
  • Bruce King
Who's in your corner?

I've never met a hermit that built a great business, although I've met a few very wealthy businesspeople who became hermits after they'd made their fortunes.

Do you really understand motivation?
  • Bruce King
Do you really understand motivation?

Motivation is so often thought of as something you have done to you, or you do to yourself to get you moving, usually in the direction of achieving your goals, but...

No replies to your Voicemail messages?
  • Bruce King
No replies to your Voicemail messages?

Humour could fix this problem

Don't be afraid to take risks when selling
  • Bruce King
Don't be afraid to take risks when selling

Salespeople are usually more likely to take risks than people in most other professions, but I still find many are risk averse.

Attitude is everything
  • Bruce King
Attitude is everything

Here's a practical example of the importance of your attitude...

Say YES!
  • Bruce King
Say YES!

Nobody ever made and money or achieved anything in their lives or careers by saying NO to something, so...

I'm just too busy to meditate!
  • Bruce King
I'm just too busy to meditate!

Millions of business people and of course people from all walks of life, take up the practice of meditation, and almost all benefit from it, often massively. Yet ...

You're only cheating yourself!
  • Bruce King
You're only cheating yourself!

When I was in Junior School many years ago, one of the teachers used a phrase to castigate any children who were not putting in sufficient effort or, worse still, cheating at the tests we were given.

Do you Musturbate?
  • Bruce King
Do you Musturbate?

NO - not a spelling mistake! I would not dream of asking you that question if it was spelt the way you thought it might have been. But hopefully it grabbed your attention. Now read on...

How to unlock your prospect's budget...
  • Bruce King
How to unlock your prospect's budget...

Use this when you have a number of solutions to your prospect's problems with a significant price range for your solutions...

Sold to with my own closing sales strategy!
  • Bruce King
Sold to with my own closing sales strategy!

A story short of how I was sold to with my own sales strategy!

 The 'secret' to doing a lot more business
  • Bruce King
The 'secret' to doing a lot more business

What I am about to share with you applies to everyone, no matter what they do in their careers, businesses and even their private lives, and no matter how old you are. I am just using sales as an example

Introverts, extroverts and the future of sales...
  • Bruce King
Introverts, extroverts and the future of sales...

Many people think that extroverts make better salespeople than introverts. I disagree.

Don't Be A Goat!
  • Bruce King
Don't Be A Goat!

Maybe you can relate to this self-sabotage strategy? It's a pattern I see in so many of my new clients.

Are you referable?
  • Bruce King
Are you referable?

If you want to be certain of developing most of your sales through referrals, it is very much in your best interests to be sure you are indeed referable.

An abysmal sales strategy!
  • Bruce King
An abysmal sales strategy!

How is this for a sales strategy? Do not copy!

Save £399, and learn the basics of copywriting... free
  • Chris Haycock
Save £399, and learn the basics of copywriting... free

Can you afford £399 to spend learning how to create great copy that wins customers? Many small business owners can't so I'll teach you the basics for free!

What is wrong with this photograph?
  • Bruce King
What is wrong with this photograph?

This is a photograph of someone having a session on the telephone to make appointments with prospective customers. Pretend they're real. What is wrong?

The corner shop in New York that sold more men's suits than Macys
  • Bruce King
The corner shop in New York that sold more men's suits than Macys

I would never advocate or condone any form of dishonesty in selling, but the following story did make me laugh very much

You don't always have to know the answers – just ask much, much better questions...
  • Bruce King
You don't always have to know the answers – just ask much, much better questions...

A few weeks ago, I was hired to do some sales coaching for a company operating in a sector that I had no experience of whatsoever. I made sure the client was aware of this fact, but they hired me

  • Bruce King

There are two schools of thought when it comes to writing copy for sales presentations, websites, advertising, direct mail and indeed any other sales and marketing copy.

What gets diarised gets done
  • Bruce King
What gets diarised gets done

Most of us have heard the expression 'what gets measured gets done'. In my opinion this is a better way of getting them done.

Retail Sales and 'I'm just looking!'
  • Bruce King
Retail Sales and 'I'm just looking!'

If you're in the retail business, then I'm prepared to make a hefty wager that you've heard the words 'I'm just looking' many times when you first greet a potential customer.

Improvised Exploding Devices and Your Business Success
  • Bruce King
Improvised Exploding Devices and Your Business Success

I recently watched a replay of a TV programme featuring the experts in the British Army in Afghanistan who were responsible for locating and defusing or safely exploding IEds (Improvised Exploding Devices). Big lesson here!

Why you should smile a lot more
  • Bruce King
Why you should smile a lot more

When you smile, your brain releases serotonin and dopamine and other endorphins into your bloodstream. These are natural chemicals produced by your body which make you feel so much happier.

It's time you got really uncomfortable!
  • Bruce King
It's time you got really uncomfortable!

Yes, I really do want you to get uncomfortable - and so much more successful.

A game-changing question to ask yourself
  • Bruce King
A game-changing question to ask yourself

You need more sales and more income, and you need them fast. But don't make this mistake.

Could you sell ice to an Eskimo?
  • Bruce King
Could you sell ice to an Eskimo?

An expression used frequently in the past and still used by some people today when describing a brilliant salesperson is 'They could sell ice to an Eskimo.' Maybe you find selling your product or service just as difficult to sell?

I don't sell
  • Bruce King
I don't sell

I've been in sales for 35+ years and never sold anything to anyone, BUT...

Are you thinking 1. BIG enough and 2. SMALL enough?
  • Bruce King
Are you thinking 1. BIG enough and 2. SMALL enough?

A client of mine died recently and I went to visit him in hospital a few days before he passed away. He said: "Bruce, my only regret is I did not think big enough. I could have done so much.

How do you deliver bad news?
  • Bruce King
How do you deliver bad news?

If you have to deliver bad news, don't make this mistake.

Why people sometimes don't buy from you
  • Bruce King
Why people sometimes don't buy from you

This is the number one reason, and almost nobody in sales know this.

A very powerful question to ask before making a sales proposal
  • Bruce King
A very powerful question to ask before making a sales proposal

When we are nearing the end of a sales meeting and ready to ask for the business, we usually assume we have asked all the necessary questions, BUT to be sure...

Direct mail - are you making the most of the post?
  • Chris Haycock
Direct mail - are you making the most of the post?

Die-hard marketers have been using it for decades, even though everyone else scarpered towards social media. Here's why you really should consider direct mail once again.

The customer is King - or in this case, The Queen.
  • Bruce King
The customer is King - or in this case, The Queen.

If you think I'm jumping on the Jubilee Bandwagon – I am. And for your benefit.

And then they raise a price objection
  • Bruce King
And then they raise a price objection

So - it's going to happen to everyone in sales. Your prospect is either trying to do a deal or fob you off.

Why people buy and how to stop yourself being sold to
  • Bruce King
Why people buy and how to stop yourself being sold to

I usually write about how to sell, and this blog post will also help you with selling. BUT more important it will teach you how NOT to be sold to. Just don't share this with your potential customers.

Nice guys come last, say the losers
  • Chris Haycock
Nice guys come last, say the losers

It's a phrase that has meant so much to me since early adulthood. But in business - as in life itself - nice guys can be winners.

9 questions your visitors need answering before they click buy
  • Chris Haycock
9 questions your visitors need answering before they click buy

Answer these nine questions on your landing page (or product page) and you stand a much, much better chance of converting browsers into customers.

Possibly the best advice I ever received
  • Bruce King
Possibly the best advice I ever received

Although this advice was not given to me directly by the originator, but instead by a sales manager who was coaching me many years ago, it was possibly the best advice I ever received.

Ditch the fluff
  • Chris Haycock
Ditch the fluff

Over-complicating your writing? Learn to write without waffle and junk, and start enjoying more customers from your copywriting.

8 ways to collaborate for success
  • Chris Haycock
8 ways to collaborate for success

Collaborations can be the magic key to unlocking potential revenue. Here are eight brilliant ways that you can collaborate with others.

Have you found your brand voice yet?
  • Chris Haycock
Have you found your brand voice yet?

The words - and how you use them - you use to communicate with your target market are more important than you think. Here's why.

Feeling the pinch? Time to start fighting back
  • Chris Haycock
Feeling the pinch? Time to start fighting back

How to use your small-business mindset and agility to your advantage, and counteract the recession.

Is AI copywriting dead?
  • Chris Haycock
Is AI copywriting dead?

We are finally seeing some evidence that Google is treating AI copy as spam. Ethical marketers are letting out a sigh of relief.

Stop with the fake FOMO already!
  • Chris Haycock
Stop with the fake FOMO already!

Are you using a sleazy way of creating urgency and action, by using fake countdowns to generate FOMO? Here's why you need to stop.

A rarely-used marketing tactic that never fails
  • Chris Haycock
A rarely-used marketing tactic that never fails

It's odd to think that while most business owners concentrate on the latest digital channels to market their products, they're also forgetting the most effective tactic of all.

10 ways you can inject powerful emotion into your marketing
  • Chris Haycock
10 ways you can inject powerful emotion into your marketing

Using emotion in your marketing campaigns is one of the most powerful things you can do to boost your chances of success. You'll LOVE these ideas!

Be patient with new marketing campaigns
  • Chris Haycock
Be patient with new marketing campaigns

One of the worst things you can do when running a new marketing campaign is to give up after the first attempt, thinking that the channel is a dud. It's probably not. Here's why.

Prospecting for new opportunities in the next 5 days?
  • Bruce King
Prospecting for new opportunities in the next 5 days?

One of the biggest mistakes so many salespeople and business owners make is they cease most of their marketing and prospecting activities when they are busy.

I don't sell
  • Bruce King
I don't sell

I've been in sales for 35+ years and never sold anything to anyone, BUT... I've helped a lot of people with so many things, for example:

Amazon is losing money - are you next?
  • Bruce King
Amazon is losing money - are you next?

Amazon posted a last quarter loss for the first time in 14 years, and they're not the only ones. And I can guarantee you too almost certainly have big problems heading your way.

Is the glass half full?
  • Bruce King
Is the glass half full?

Here's a twist on the 'Is the glass half full or half empty?' question which I really enjoyed.

The corner shop in New York that sold more men's suits than Macys
  • Bruce King
The corner shop in New York that sold more men's suits than Macys

I would never advocate or condone any form of dishonesty in selling, but the following story did make me laugh very much when I first heard it and the success of the sales technique was, in fairness, partly due to the customer's dishonesty as well as the salesperson's.

Improvised Exploding Devices and Your Business Success
  • Bruce King
Improvised Exploding Devices and Your Business Success

I recently watched a replay of a TV programme featuring the experts in the British Army in Afghanistan who were responsible for locating and defusing or safely exploding IEds (Improvised Exploding Devices). In other words, home-made Land Mines.

  • Bruce King

There are two schools of thought when it comes to writing copy for sales presentations, websites, advertising, direct mail and indeed any other sales and marketing copy.

It's time you got really uncomfortable
  • Bruce King
It's time you got really uncomfortable

It was my good friend and sales guru Brian Tracey who once said: "Selling is the oldest profession - some say there's an older one but that's just a subdivision of sales". So, what's that got to do with me wanting to make you feel uncomfortable? Well simply this...

Why people sometimes don't buy from you
  • Bruce King
Why people sometimes don't buy from you

TRUST in YOURSELF is everything in sales.

Could you sell ice to an Eskimo?
  • Bruce King
Could you sell ice to an Eskimo?

An expression used frequently in the past and still used by some people today when describing a brilliant salesperson is ‘They could sell ice to an Eskimo.'

How focused are you on the job in hand?
  • Bruce King
How focused are you on the job in hand?

If you have attended one of my Sales Master Classes you'll recall that at some stage during the event I usually ask the question: "How much of your working day, in percentage terms, do you admit to wasting or allow other people to waste for you?"

Possibly the best advice I ever received
  • Bruce King
Possibly the best advice I ever received

Although this advice was not given to me directly by the originator, but instead by a sales manager who was coaching me many years ago, it was possibly the best advice I ever received.

You don't always have to know the answers - just ask much, much better questions
  • Bruce King
You don't always have to know the answers - just ask much, much better questions

A few weeks ago, I was hired to do some sales coaching for a company operating in a sector that I had no experience of whatsoever. I made sure the client was aware of this fact, but they hired me despite that lack of experience.

10 bad thoughts that don't belong inside your mind
  • Chris Haycock
10 bad thoughts that don't belong inside your mind

Are you guilty of having bad thoughts inside your head?

Once upon a story
  • Chris Haycock
Once upon a story

Using stories in marketing copy can be astonishingly powerful - and really easy to do once you've got used to writing in a particular way.

How I do SEO
  • Chris Haycock
How I do SEO

Is link building dead? Of course not. Here's a simple way of discovering quality, authoritative links from third party websites.

Are you thinking 1. BIG enough and 2. SMALL enough?
  • Bruce King
Are you thinking 1. BIG enough and 2. SMALL enough?

A client of mine died recently and I went to visit him in hospital a few days before he passed away.

Seize the day... while you still have it
  • Chris Haycock
Seize the day... while you still have it

We get but just one chance to live life as happily as we can. Time goes quickly - far quicker than is comfortable. If you don't grab the opportunity to do something that truly makes you happy, then that moment will slip by forever.

When opportunity knocks...
  • Chris Haycock
When opportunity knocks...

Rather than copying everyone else and jumping on the latest bandwagon, look at the opportunity in a different way to unlock the TRUE potential.

How to deal with negative reviews without blowing your lid
  • Chris Haycock
How to deal with negative reviews without blowing your lid

Handle a negative review in the right way, and you'll walk away with a massive grin.

32 Free or Low-Cost ways to Advertise your Business
  • Chris Haycock
32 Free or Low-Cost ways to Advertise your Business

Sometimes we get into such a deep rut with our business that we run out of ideas for ways that we can reach new customers. Here's a list of 32 free or low-cost ways to advertise your business to your target market.

Turn your website into a 24-hour sales powerhouse
  • Chris Haycock
Turn your website into a 24-hour sales powerhouse

Congratulations, your website looks great. 'But why am I not getting more sales and/or enquries', I hear you ask? Here are some tips to transform your mediocre website into a sales powerhouse, using psychological techniques, best practices and conversion rate optimisation.

SEO is dead. Long live SEO
  • Chris Haycock
SEO is dead. Long live SEO

SEO has taken a big hit over the last few years. That doesn't mean you can rest on your laurels and forget about it, though. There is life left in the old dog. Here are some tips to help your content rank higher in the search engines.

  • Chris Haycock
Most "Contact Us" pages are terrible.

Is your "Contact Us" page working hard for your business or is it a lazy salesperson that refuses to speak to your future customers?

Journey to 1000 visitors a day
  • Chris Haycock
Journey to 1000 visitors a day

Can I reach a thousand sustainable visitors a day with no marketing spend on GovWire? Here's a running commentary about the strategies that I will be undertaking.

Button up. Optimise your CTA text
  • Chris Haycock
Button up. Optimise your CTA text

How I increased clickthrough rates on a single button by optimising the text, and nothing else.

I want to...

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