Marketing beliefs that are (almost always) myths
- Chris Haycock
- Friday, March 22, 2019
- Comments
The customer is always right, right? Well, aren't you just lovely!
We like to bandy this saying around as if it's the holy grail of marketing. In some respects it's true - you do need to keep your customers sweet by going the extra mile for them.
But not every customer is made equal. Some of them are just downright awful, making ridiculous demands that don't justify any time spending on them. You've just got to add up the benefits of bending over backwards for them. If the benefits aren't there, and they're being unreasonable, say bye-bye to them.
Politely, of course.
There are some people out there that just want to go through life causing havoc for the sake of it. Sometimes you've just got to tell them to sod off.
Here are some other common marketing beliefs that are (almost always) myths:
- Get your brand everywhere. Nope. Just get your brand in front of those that are likely to buy from you. Avoid anywhere else because you're chucking cash down the bog.
- Dropping your prices boosts your sales. Nope. Sometimes it'll have the opposite effect. Leave this tactic to Poundstretcher. Increase your prices - *if* you can justify your product is good, and has value. See my previous post for proof.
- Traditional marketing is dead. Nope. Marketing isn't just about social meedja! Old school tactics like PR, leafleting, print media ads and telesales still work as well as they did 20 years ago.
- Marketing is difficult. Nope. Not if you have a well-researched strategy. You shouldn't need to pull all your hair out (just a little, maybe). Many activities can be automated too.
Any more you can think of?
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